Posts Tagged ‘healthy’

Baked Sweet Potato

    Ingredients: 4 Sweet Potatoes Extra Virgin Olive Oil 16oz Crema Oaxaqueña  10oz Cotija cheese, grated Salt and pepper to taste parsley for garnish  Preparation: Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees F. Rinse and scrub potatoes to remove any excess dirt and poke holes all over potatoes using a fork.  Place potatoes on a large…

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Pecan Smoothie Oats

Ingredients: 7oz El Mexicano® Pecan Smoothie 1/2 cup Sprouted Rolled Oats Grapes Pecans, chopped Cinnamon powder Natural Honey, El Mexicano® Preparation: Step 1: Mix sprouted rolled oats with Pecan smoothie in a jar or bowl.  Step 2: Refrigerate overnight. Step 3: Serve with grapes, pecans, cinnamon powder and honey to taste. Enjoy for breakfast or…

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